We enter the new year of 5784 on Friday, September 15th as the sun sets.
We require registration for guests and members at all events for security purposes. It takes a few minutes but it is worth it. Thank you!
Right now is a season of gratitude and transformation. Rosh HaShanah, the head of the year always comes with the beginnings of fall in our part of the Universe. Our hope at this season is found through our collective belief that humanity is not fixed in a state of constant distress and destruction,
human life is not inherently bad and full of suffering
but rather
inherently good
and full of moments of beauty.
It seems so basic
but it is easy to lose sight of this reality:
Healing is possible.
Teshuva, repair is possible.
We are here for a reason.
Each of us.
Of value.
We gather together at the synagogue with
our Jewish tribe to bless the new year
and greet each other with words of blessing:
Shana Tova U'Matukah.
May you have a good year, a sweet year.
You do not need to dress up.
You can come casual.
Or you can come fancy.
However you want to greet this new year.
The holiness is in the convocation itself.
Come as you are, as able.
Come to lend your voice and spirit to declare:
We aknowledge the unity of all creation and our unique role in the world as a Jewish civilization. Justice, peace, compassion, mutual respect: we made our way out of Egypt for a reason.
We follow the God of our ancestors with purpose. We carry forward through time distinct values. They have been our lives and the length of our days. And we continue to meditate upon them.
Throughout the perpetual movement of Earth, Wind, Fire and Water, our people found our way through danger and hardship. God-wrestlers and wrestimg our way through.
Through and also TOWARDS: a world where none lie down afaid at night. All of us can rise up each morning with dignity and enough to sustain our body, minds and spirits.
5784 is the new year of the Jewish people.
We are drawn back to each other. .
To announce the New Year.
One people. One God.
Counting time on our own way.
With rams horn and sweet honey.
We are part of an ancient tradition of marking time through holy connection to the Divine and each other.
We fill our homes and synagogues with the symbols,
and prayers of the New Year.
All incantations for blessings. Only. Goodness only. For life and not death. Success and not failure. Health and not illness.
I look forward to celebrating the new year together again. This is my ninth high holidays at Kol Ami. I love the diversity of our little community. Communing with peopel of all ages and living together through the cycle of the Jewish year is at the center of my life. We all work together in upholding our traditions and values together in this world. Thank you for being my partners.
And a special shout out to all the supportive parnters, family, friends out there who are part of a Jewish family but are not Jewish themselves...thank you for being part of our celebration and our community. I delight to live in a civilization that allows us to be together, people from different backgrounds, in celebration!
Many blessings,
Rabbi Kinberg