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Mourning as a Nation: The Bibas Babies

Writer: Congregation Kol AmiCongregation Kol Ami

The Bibas babies died. And were returned home this week. Their bodies made it home, their souls are wrapped up in the everlasting spirit of the Divine.

We mourn together as a people, a nation. Jewish children are still not safe from terror and capture. We still pray and play on Shabbat mornings with an armed guard outside our Kol Ami building. We worry and we mourn. Perhaps the past many decades have given us a slight reprieve from our mounting. The reprieve has passed.

Where do we put our grief? How do we manage the anger, the sadness, the terror?

As we always have.

This Shabbat light candles in honor of the Bibas babies and their parents.

This Shabbat gives tzedakah to support children anywhere.

This Shabbat read some poems. Write your own. Share your mourning with friends and family. Do not be alone in your grief.

This Shabbat gathers with community, family, or friends.

This Shabbat be a proud Jew. Listening to our music, watching one of our movies, making a Jewish craft...let your Jewish spirit shine.

May God bless and keep all of our children and all of you.

Rabbi Kinberg

Poems and Prayers for Reflection

We Are All Mourners Now

We are all mourners now.

We mourn beloveds:





Named and nameless to us.

We are all mourners now.


We mourn:

Our hopes,

Our faith,

The Future,

The Past,

The Present.

We are all mourners now:

Needing, wanting, giving comfort

For ourselves,

For each other.

We reach out.

We reach in.

We reach up

for all mourners.

For we are all mourners now

Shema to Comfort Mourners

by Devon Spier

folded white fabric in shadows

To remember these words

not only

when we lie down in slumber

and not only

when we rise up to greet the light of the day

but when our heart breaks in loss.

A part of ourself hangs on,

while the rest of of our body

tumbles to earth.

In the suspension of disbelief,

we cling

to the in between place

that Your words fold into.

And like a note nestled in Your holy wall,

we gradually fold into each other

into the loss

and into You.

Through uncertainty, we come into Love

that picks us up

and shows us everything

we are meant to live and die for.

my body grieves

by LilyFish Gomberg

a person walking towards trees, a leaf in the foreground

My heart

is cracked

into more pieces

than I thought possible

My eyes

drowning in our tears

refuse to lift

My mouth

cannot find

the words of comfort that that I long

to hear

that I long

to provide

My belly

refuses the comfort of food

knowing how many don’t have it

And my arms

my arms

are not wide enough to hold all

of these beloveds

to hold

all this pain

to hold

all this grief



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