An ask from Kol Ami Member Joan Zucker:
There is an opportunity for a double Mitzvah, donate plasma (as opposed to whole blood) and then donate the money you receive to the Kol Ami fund for Afghan families. Donate here. Be sure to select Refugee Support in our drop-down menu. Learn more about our work with
Afghan refugee families here. Plasma donations have steeply declined during Covid. Many diseases are treated with plasma infusions including mine, CVID, one of the rare primary immunodeficiency diseases. My weekly infusions of plasma allow me to live a normal, healthy life even during this pandemic. But given the global shortage, I shudder to think what would happen if I and others would have to stop using such important medical treatment. Many of us would have to retreat to self-quarantine indefinitely and even that doesn’t guarantee our health. If you can donate plasma and are willing, here are local locations. If you can donate plasma and are willing, here are local locations.
Biomat in Everett
And if you aren’t able to donate, please spread the word! As the Immune Deficiency Foundation says, you can be a “Plasma Hero”.