May the door of this synagogue be wide enough to receive all who hunger for love, all who are lonely for friendship.
May this synagogue be, for all who enter, the doorway to a richer and more meaningful life.
Mishkan T'filah - A Reform Siddur
We welcome everyone who walks through our doors, and affirm the dignity and worth of every human being. We cherish our members and guests: straight, lesbian, gay, and bi; cis, trans, genderfluid, and nonbinary; Jewish and interfaith families; those steeped in Jewish tradition, those alienated from it, and those exploring it for the first time; neurotypical people and those who aren't; and everyone who makes up the great tapestry of humanity.
Tikkun Olam at Kol Ami - Healing the World
Do not be daunted by the enormity of the world's grief.
Do justly, now.
Love mercy, now.
Walk humbly, now.
You are not obligated to complete the work, but neither are you free to abandon it.
Rabbi Rami Shapiro, The Wisdom of the Jewish Sages
Social justice and community involvement are essential parts of Judaism's DNA, and a core value of our community. We offer many ways to get involved in supporting needs in the greater Kirkland area.
Nitzva'im - We all stood together at Sinai
That tradition still guides us.
We love Jewish tradition. We pray in Hebrew. We celebrate Jewish history. We study and wrestle with Torah every week. We love knowing that each time we face challenges and uncertainty and vexing questions, we have 4000 years of Jewish thought and tradition to turn to for ideas and guidance.
We also consider whose voices didn't get recorded and aren't being heard. We believe our own voices are important, too. We delight in scientific discovery and other advances that increase our understanding of the wonder of the universe. The values and aspirations of Judaism are timeless; the details of our Jewish practice serve the needs of our Jewish community.
Lamad - Learning is Worship
We're committed to spiritual and intellectual wholeness and provide education for all stages of life.
Our outstanding religious school offers K-7 students creative programming in Jewish learning, from Hebrew and history to ethics and culture. We offer tutorial support to B'nai Mitzvah students, and a variety of social, religious, and educational programs through our affiliation with the North American Federation of Temple Youth (NFTY).
For adult learners we offer challenging, lively, and sometimes controversial topics from Hebrew scriptures to current events, applying principles and knowledge from a Jewish and ethical perspective.
Kol Ami Code of Ethics
The URJ requested that all Reform Synagogues adopt a code of ethics that is personalized to each synagogues. We worked on our code with a variety of examples from the Jewish community and the board adopted this code in 2023.