You don't have to be a dues-paying member
to participate in our community.
But we think you should consider it.
We're a small, part-time congregation providing the services of a full-time synagogue. It can be easy to assume that Jewish community just happens--that there will always be somewhere to go for holidays; that there will always be a Jewish venue for weddings, funerals, and other major life events; that there will always be a rabbi to consult;
that there will always be somewhere to go to say kaddish for loved ones.
Jewish Community
Doesn't Just Happen
It takes effort, it takes coordination, and it takes money. If your finances permit, please consider becoming a member and making a pledge. We don't turn anyone away: if you can't afford the full pledge amount, we're happy to work with you! In addition to the knowledge that you're helping sustain Jewish community for yourself, your
current community, and those who come after us, here are some benefits members receive:
subsidized fees for religious school, adult ed classes, and events
pastoral counseling: life cycle, grief, life transitions, family and couples counseling
a venue for celebrations and life events from baby naming and b'nei mitzvah to weddings and funerals
spiritual direction: help developing your own Jewish spiritual practice
end of life planning
hospital visits
24/7 emergency pastoral and crisis care
all life cycle rituals and care included in membership
a Jewish cultural center: holidays, cultural events, and more
the security of traveling through life with a community around you
Our little congregation has a relatively tiny operating budget, which means that your pledge
has a huge impact on what we can do.
* In addition to membership, we also have a pay-what-you-can supporter option.
Please contact us to discuss.