Elul Shabbaton - Whole Day
Service, Torah study, movement, art, and writing with Community Havdalah and Potluck at 6pm. In Duvall at the farm of Joanne Gartenberg. Registration required: $36 members, $52 guests. Includes lunch, dinner, and supplies.

Kol Ami Events
Aug 19, 2023, 10:00 AM – 8:00 PM
Duvall, 13423 Odell Rd NE, Duvall, WA 98019, USA
About The Events
Bring your own lawn chair, a bottle of water, sunscreen
Agenda for our retreat!
10am Gather and morning Nosh!
10:30am Shabbat Mornimg Prayer, Meditation and Song.
11:30am Text Learning/Torah Study
Lunch: Vegetarian deliciousness
Afternoon Learning Sessions (you get to choose 2 of the 3)
2pm Session 1
3:30pm Session 2
Tentative Titles:
Mindfulness and the High Holiday Journey with Joanne Gartenburg
Music of Elul: Go deep, go long with Elul music practise Marge Eiseman
Hands-on! Building a Elul Journal using powerful Jewish text and symbols with Rabbi Yohanna Kinberg
5:30pm Community Potluck
7pm Havdalah
Bring a something to share for dinner-chips, a beverage, not anything you do not need to keep cold!
Join Us!
Members Registration
Registration for members of Kol Ami.
$36.00Sale endedGuest Registration
Registration for guests.
$52.00Sale ended