Aging and Sage-ing: Resources for aging with wisdom and our April Open Yeshiva Sessions
Passover @ Kol Ami 5781
Torah from Asher Hashash/Poem on Grief
Torah from Asher Hashash: Beshalach
Torah from Asher Hashash: Yitro
Honor Rabbi Kinberg for Chai/18 years as a Rabbi-register for our Purim Fundraiser today!
Giving and Goodness: The true meaning of Tzedakah
Tu B’Shvat: “Life holds the possibility of inner transcendence”
Racial Justice and Inclusion of the Marginalized: This is our Kol Ami commitment.
Breathe: For Kol Ami Members and Friends
From Our Community Leadership: Kol Ami, Meeting Your Life’s Needs.
Welcome to Tevet: A lesson in becoming goat-like and reaching for the light
Gathering Sparks, Growing Light: This is Our Heritage
Cheshvan A month without any Jewish holy days. A month of hunkering down. And getting cozy.
New Shabbat Schedule: Ch-ch-ch-changes!
5781: Festival during Pandemic Times
A Special Message Just For You From Rabbi Kinberg!
This is Elul: Month of self-reflection, transformation and self-love.
This is Av: A time for weeping and lament
We have direction. Follow the Mizrach