What is needed now. Come share in what we provide.
A special Shabbat message from Rabbi K in standstill traffic.
Lag B'Omer: Celebrating the Life of Rabbi Shimon Bar Yochai
Shabbat Shalom: Shabbat of Solidarity
Community Seder is all about All Ages!
Be a DOUBLE MITZVAH hero! Act now.
Update Kol Ami's Afghan Refugee Resettlement Efforts
Connecting with Rabbi Kinberg 30 minutes at a time
Adult, Teen, and Family Education @Kol Ami February-June 2022/5782
Tu B'Shvat: Pearl Jam, Ancient Wisdom and our Local Trees
Update on Wilfredo!
A Note from the Co-Presidents
Support local refugees this Hanukkah: Especially babies!
~I'm dreaming of a Green Hanukkah~ A blog post by our Social Action co-chair, Jennifer Hisrich.
Refugee Support: Holding the Door Open for those coming after us.
From the Rabbi: Kol Ami Tikkun Olam/Social Action for the New Year.
What to expect when you do not know what to expect: Late Summer and Fall 2021, Delta Variant Ed.
Saving one life is like saving the entire world: Wilfredo
I'm back! A message from Rabbi Kinberg upon her return.
Inclusion Rebellion: Pronouns, a special letter from our Board of Directors and Rabbi Kinberg