Check your receipts: Rosh Hashanah is coming!
Saving Israeli Democracy-American Jews have a role too!
Why Jewish Camp makes me cry and the ancestors cheer
Interfaith Shabbat this Shabbat!
Why Tisha B'Av? Because none of our holidays are irrelevant.
Back from a month in the woods and back into the woods to celebrate Shabbat.
Kol Ami's future...?
Kirkland Together: Recognizing Antisemitism 4/29 3-6pm space limited!
Turn a day of hate into a day of love 2/25 10:30am 🪬💕🪬💕
Camp Kesher: the best thing we did as a family for almost 20 years
Shabbat Shira: Congregation as Choir and the Rhythm is going to get you
We all have foreskin
“Everybody is going to be dead."
Kol Ami & MLK Day Seattle: A new partnership
Od Avinu Chai! We are still kicking!
Vayeishev: It was never a coat, it was always a dress.
This Friday! Free to Be: 50 years of Free to be You and Me.
It is a Tree of Life: Reflections on anti-Jewish violence in America on the Tree of Life Anniversary
Migrants coming from Texas to Seattle: How you can help with this humanitarian crisis right now!
Reporting Live from NAMI WA conference...Mental Health Matters at Kol Ami